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    Finally Israel has found a Prime Minister willing to apologise for Jews being in Jerusalem. He is willing to admit also, his hand was forced in this admission by the independent actions of Interior Minister Eli Yishai. Didn’t have the guts otherwise.

    Bye Israel! Don't come back!

    It could be said Yishai had only compromised Jerusalem Jews but when USA Vice President Joseph Biden reprimanded Netanyahu and Israel in general, in his speech in Tel Aviv, the audience APPLAUDED!

    Given that the openly and honestly declared intention of the Arab World is to destroy Israel, you would wonder what they had to celebrate about. And in light of recent history including both the Shoah and the five wars in the last 60 years, not counting the skirmishes which have taken place as a reslt of the Oslo Agreement, you would wonder at Jewish joy. Were the bulk of Jewish citizenry throughout Europe silently applauding at Krystalnicht? Or were they exulting?

    What we see is Israel staked out on a comfortable bed, spreadeagled and waiting to be raped, with a smile on its face.

    What we see is Joe Biden being sent to Israel with a tricky task to handle and being advised a plot has been developed locally to solve his problem.

    In fact, from here it looks suspiciously like he knew the details before leaving Washington.

    This little plot seems to have come out of the same herring box as the Mossad mistake in Dubai! How could Mossad be so clumsy as to kill an Arab in an Arab country!? Surely they must have known the ‘International Community’ doesn’t like spies using false identities!

    See the Arabs immediately state they will indict Dagan! lol You go, Chops!

    But was the enthusiasm genuine at the Tel Aviv speech? Was there a vocal minority strategically placed near the microphone for just this occasion?

    No. We suspect it was Jewish Commonality voicing its customary self-loathing.

    There was a point in the movie Jurasic Park where a goat is seen staked out to attract a hungry Dyno. Days like today, reading news like today’s, or last week’s, we have to ask ourselves, “Was the Goat ravaged – by a Goat?”

    In all this, who are we supposed to believe is the real scapegoat?

    Go Home, Biden. We hope you feel disgusting.

    As for Modern Israel, Israeli leaders and Jerusalem, you all deserve each other!

    The nicest thing! When all these turkeys are gone, Israel, Jerusalem and Zion will remain untouched. Untouched by the Unclean.


    4 Responses to “JEWS OUT OF ISRAEL – HOORAY!!”

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