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    With the 20-20 vision of hindsight, it seems imbecilic: the metronomic step by step progress of the World, during the 1930s, toward Global War.  And that even in the afterglow of their recent Great War!  How could intelligent leaders and the people they led slide so deliberately into the furnace of mutual destruction?

    Goodbye Allegiance - AP

    Well. The same sorts of complacency are leading toward even greater and even more inevitable death and carnage – again.

    The Great White Hope is, of course, Black.

    And the great Unifying Religious Principle is, of course, satanic islam.

    Every nice thing that the West can do for itself and also for its enemies is being turned by its enemies into a weapon against the West.

    Every evil thing the West can perpetrate against itself and its children it is doing. The fabric of Society, the Family, is now virtually an embarrassing reminder of ‘less enlightened days’.

    So what can we see?

    Nobody is working constructively for peace. The United States of America is working to destroy Israel, publicly, for purposes perceived by Obama. The United Kingdom is working to curry favour with the oil producing hegemonists regardless of the plain and simple truth – islam is inimical to all the values upon which British Society is based. Europe emulates the UK, with even more emphasis if that is possible, on denigrating Israel and the Jews, to the extent of regurgitating the traditional Blood Libels!

    Russia, China and the rest of Asia pride themselves on being only alert to any chance to benefit themselves at the expense of all others, the beggar take the hindmost and the same goes for their own people.

    Australia is working on its tan. When cannibalism comes around, Australians will be eating well tanned meat.

    And of course there are all those ‘terrible weapons’.

    Lets divert into an amusing aside: What about Torture?

    In the “Good Old Days” torture wasn’t necessary. The Rule of Thumb, which incidentally came a lot later, was “Kill all the Men Women and Children”. It didn’t matter what any of them thought they ‘knew’, they were simply killed en-mass and their property stolen. What could not be carried away was burned and even the animals were taken as beasts of burden.

    Even then it became apparent this was not always an appropriate solution.

    “Kill, Rape and Destroy” evolved to “Kill all the males, the women and the boy children above suckling age.” Then all the females were impregnated and a ‘New Generation was Raised Up’ to worship the gods of their victors. Naturally, the nice ones went to the powerful leaders and the plain and ugly ones went to the hoi polloi. Out with the Old – In with the New.

    Still no prisoners.

    But methods became more sophisticated and war both more cumbersome and more ponderable. To overcome possible uncertainties it seemed wise to ‘obtain’ current information, both by spying over the enemy and by taking prisoners.

    This was the period in which originated the expression, “Take no Prisoners”?

    If it is deemed there is no military advantage in saving ANY of the opposing forces, kill them all.

    But considerable advantage could be got by being told by an inhabitant where the sewers ran and by which secret passages the guards got out – and in, etc.

    So the purpose of taking prisoners rather than simply obliterating everything in one’s path was not to invite the enemy to Summer Holiday Camp but to give them the chance to save their lives by ‘talking’. As a rule, the method involved lining up a bunch of potential ‘talkers’ and killing one of their number, preferably by the most excruciating means and then pointing out the obvious. It being far less painful to talk.

    Naturally, it depends on the nature of the enemy and what quality of information they possess.

    This brings us to the current debate about torture. The posit is that, to the minds of people who ponder upon these grave and substantial matters from the comfort and security of their sofas, in front of plasma TVs, the enemy should not be ‘hurt’.

    A good response would be to execute all people who watch the war on TV! But no! heh One size fits all! Can’t be that easy.

    Take no prisoners.

    Or. If all are not slain on the battle field, don’t take yourself hostage.

    The current debate is mainly with regard to civilians carrying relatively sophisticated and powerful arms, who upon being cornered, unmask and become – Civilians!

    Anyone foolish enough not to kill them is immediately taken hostage by the Prisoners and the ‘Friendly Media’. Anybody foolish enough to kill them is taken hostage by the Enemy with the aid of ‘Friendly Media’.

    Solution Two? Shoot the media.

    Aha? Catch 22!

    All this is casuistry. God does not take hostages and we do not take God hostage.

    Those who are not about to die will not look back in longing. They will look forward in hope and in Peace.

    Ut . . There goes that word.

    Peace is what happens when Death ceases. Peace is what happens when there is nobody left to kill. Peace is what happens when the survivors do not have the strength or the determination to kill anymore.

    Peace is not what happens when all people want to do is watch TV while liars talk about it. Certainly not when liars who have been employed and are paid huge sums, publicly talk about peace. Peace cannot happen until all such ‘negotiators’ are dead.

    We will have Peace.

    We actually have too much work to do to waste time on war. So Humanity can get on with the job in hand, we will have to kill everybody who wants to take us hostage or harm us in any way – and this does include you, if you think your part is to watch it on TV.

    This time it’s actually a lot worse than it was in the Thirties. Then they had great intelligence, much industry and time. They had the luxury of being able to get it wrong, time after time after time. Hindsight tells us exactly where we are, which way we are headed and why. The Prophets assure us, and they had no cause to lie, there is no way back.


    2 Responses to “RE-DRINKING THE 1930’s CUP”

    1. M. Patterson says:

      I found this copy of the IAEA report on Iran, and for some reason it reminded me of this blog. Not sure if you’re interested, but it’s in the link, below. I suspect that this document was not meant for general distribution, but here it is, anyway. I got it from someone who got it from an Israeli VIP who happens to be involved in this sort of thing.


    2. Rai says:

      We would expect this Report to be in the public domain. It’s been referred to a number of times and quoted in some precise detail. What the IAEA is saying is that “Letters” alluded to by parties in the West and confidential information, should be given to Iran (a) to cast light on sources and (b) to allow Iran to publicly deny. It’s all a big game. Now that the Arab World, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, are going nuclear there is no need for further restraint. “Plausible Deniability” ensures, if grossly destructive steps are not immediatley taken (which is highly unlikely but preferable), we will find ourselves with Charon and both the boat and the Styx will glow in the dark. It may not come to that – we may all be dead first.