Friendly Boycott? PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has publicized a law making it illegal to market goods produced in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. (Jews must boycott all Arab goods, including OIL! Drive less, walk more – It is good for your health! Not buying vegetables produced by the PA Arabs is a good start.) by Steven Shamrak
(Reprinted without Permission)
We feel that Steven is missing a critical point here, despite his valiant attacks against Islamic terrorism, Globally and in particular against Israel.
PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyed (apologies for all these upper case spellings, nothing arab genuinely deserves the honour) declares it to be a crime to work for a Jew as well as buy food from him.
What these instances of hatred reveal is the baseline of religious, cultural and political hatred which divides the Islamic World from the remainder of Humanity. Where Steven speaks and as we suggest, this Islamic hatred cannot be either appeased or permitted. Judea and Samaria are the Homelands of the Northern Kingdom. This is Israel. The Southern Kingdom surrounding Jerusalem was more the home of Judah. Ephraim was north of Jerusalem.
Any attempt by the arab world to scythe Judea-Samaria from Israel is contradictory in terms. Any attempt by the West to scythe Judea-Samaria from Israel, for whatever purpose, stated or implied, is war against Israel.
We do not suggest Israel send a fleet of V-Bombers over the USA in either defence or retribution (actually, we understand the Brits decommissioned the last of them some time back) but an absolute declaration of Israeli Sovereignty needs to be made over all Israel.
It may be that arab Israelis who reside within Israel exercise personal and property rights under Israeli Law.
There is no palestine other than Jordan. There is no palestinian People. There is no palestinian language. There is no palestinian capital city and there was no palestinian statesman prior to the international terrorist Arafat.
Should President of the United States of America, Mr. Barak Hussein Obama, wish to join leaders of the United Arab Emirates and other Arab Leaders in opposition with Israel, we wish them well but it is their souls we pray for not their bodies. They have the right to exercise choice in all things, given to them by God and this right is inalienable but they have no control whatsoever over the consequences of their decisions and Israel is not alone.
Israel cannot be expected to treat with any person or people who exercise inhuman laws and demands, such as imprisonment under threat of death for being employed by a Jew, whether this be employment in Central Tel Aviv or in Samaria.
Any group who pass laws directly opposed to the existence, rights, privileges and freedoms inherent in Israeli Residency cannot legally exist in Israel.
The answer is not to destroy Israel to make way for this hatred.
The answer is to expunge from Israel all who are declared and avowed enemies of the State of Israel.
Where to? Send them back where they came from. Some will actually belong to Jordan. Others come from no such place. They are ex-nihilo arabs from Egypt, Syria and wherever else from among the dozens of backwater arab nations which plague the Earth.
The ex-nihilo status of these people, touted by the Arab World and the UN as ‘palestinians’, is maintained by the UN as a function of the Arab War of Extermination against the Jews.
Any fool can see at a glance that the UN is anti-Semitic. What many fail to grasp is that the UN function is almost totally anti-Semitic. What vestiges of energy are left over after its anti-Semitism are vented by the UN in purging the Family Unit as the Fabric of Civilised Society.
It would be a favour to Humanity if New York City were to be nuked simply for the purpose of destroying the UN. Such a favour would be a boon to Mankind.
So no crass ‘stupido’ will accuse us of instigating violence, let me say that neither the Ghost nor Angel Central seek to do direct harm to any. However we do point out there is no such need, since the present trajectory Mankind is on will destroy five and a half billion. We need do nothing, although we do advocate urgent and vigorous intervention by those in Public Office who might avert this catastrophe.
No such luck!
Recently in Australia we have seen the perfect exemplar of the case we state. Senator Nick Minchin advised he is quitting – and then made the point, with regard to new tax increases on tobacco, “It is good that young people smoke. They will die younger and cost the country less.” What we say is that, in this world, no politician hoping to be reelected would dare speak his honest mind. Only when it no longer matters will he dare ignore the Rule of Opinion Polls.
Saving Mankind would be hugely unpopular.
They crucified Jesus Christ.
They stoned the Prophets.
The words of WenuBlog, the Assistant Ghost and all at Angel Central make us highly unpopular but then, it is the Islamists in our midst who cut throats.
When push comes to shove in Australia it will be the Digger spirit that finally annihilates the last vestiges of Islamism in a Nation Wide Civil War.
If you thought you were going to sit idly on the sidelines, in Any Country, we have news for you – you will likely be dead rather than survive. The odds are lethal.
So in this case, what is the purpose of Israel giving succour to arab miscegenists who declare it a crime to work with or buy from Jews in Israel?
In this case, what difference does it make what Obama or any other person thinks?
Any favour granted to the arabs in this war is pure anti-Jew anti-Semitism. If the cap fits, sit it on the roof of the White House.
We have no influence whatsoever over the outcomes of this global conflict.
What we can and do say is that neither Capitalism nor Islamism will win.
Those who creep out of the smoke and dust and disease and death will have an undying desire to help their fellow man. Everyman will be his friend.
Until then, don’t tell us we have Peace Partners who imprison any who buy watermelons from Jews.
War has been declared and the-joke-of-the-week is that Humanity refuse to ‘get it’.
in support of Steven Shamrak who tries his very best to enlighten
May 5th, 2010 at 2:02 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Guran Walker, Guran Walker. Guran Walker said: Friendly Boycott??,, Guran, [0], […]
May 6th, 2010 at 11:30 pm
Comment from Steven Shamrak – posted by Guran:-
Islamic terrorism is Global – It is against all “Infidels”. Israel was the first target, but not any more! – Steven Shamrak
You are welcome to publish following information:
Ethnic Make Up of ‘Palestinians’.
Extracts from: “Bosnia – Motherland of “Palestinians” by Manfred R. Lehmann and “Palestinians ‘Peoplehood’ Based on a Big Lie” by Eli E. Hertz.
Arab Palestinian nationality (which was officially forged in 1964) is an entity defined by its opposition to Zionism (the Jewish national liberation movement) and not by its national aspirations.
Like a mantra, Arabs repeatedly claim that the Palestinians are a native people of Israel. The concept of a ‘Stateless Palestinian people’ is not based on fact. It is a fabrication! The following is a chronology of an ethnic make up of so-called Palestinians and their origine.
During Ottoman Empire.
Until the Jews began returning to the Land of Israel in increasing numbers from the late 19th century, the area called Palestine was a God-forsaken backwash that was controlled by the Ottoman Empire.
1880-84 Turkish government settles Muslim Circassian refugees in the Golan to ward off Bedouin robbers. Other settlers in the area include Sudanese, Algerians, Kurds…
In 1878, an Ottoman law granted lands in Palestine to the Moslem refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Carmel region, in the Galilee and in the Plain of Sharon and in Caesarea. The refugees were further attracted by l2-year tax exemptions and exemption from military service.
The same colonization policy was also directed toward Moslem refugees from Russia – particularly from the Crimea and the Caucasus. They were Circassians, Cherkesians and Turkmenians – leading to their settling in Abu Gosh, near Jerusalem and in the Golan Heights. Refugees from Algeria and Egypt were also settled in Jaffa, Gaza, Jericho and the Golan.
British Mandate: 1917-1947
1923 Having discovered the Golan lacks oil but that the Mosul area in northern Syria is rich in oil, the British cede the Golan to France in exchange for Mosul. At the same time the Trans-Jordan was ceded from Palestinian mandate as well and Egypt was given control of Sinai, British and France gain control of Suetz canal. (82% of Jewish land was sacrificed in the process!)
In 1934 alone, 30,000 Syrian Arabs from the Hauran moved across the northern frontier into Mandate Palestine, attracted by work in and around the newly built British port and the construction of other infrastructure projects. They even dubbed Haifa Um el-Amal (‘the city of work’).
The Ottoman Turks’ census (1882) recorded only 141,000 Muslims in the Palestinian. The British census in 1922 reported 650,000 Muslims.