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    We argued somewhat over who should write this article until Rai pointed out, the Dragons might fly but the Angels shall win this war.

    Rice and Livni  AP

    Ernest Hemmingway wrote of the Spanish War and recounted the death of a German soldier who carefully mounted a wall before he was shot. In the account, no personal animosity was expressed toward the enemy soldier. Simply, he was shot for the most pragmatic of reasons. That was why he was there.

    The wider issues surrounding actual encounters in war seldom have the slightest impact. Even when Peace is declared, effective from a mutually agreed time in the future, death and hostilities continue up till the agreed point in time. Was it, “The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.”?

    So demonstrably, the fighting, the death and more particularly, who dies, is of no significance at all outside the narrow confines of the precise zone of conflict.

    Modern media portray this as untrue. They attempt to portray the wider context as of no concern while each inevitable death and mutilation is of Global Concern.

    But only of concern to we who live in the Free World, the West, the Enemies of Jihad.

    Such media operatives should be among the first to be slain.

    We use the word Jihad there metaphorically. China has its own jihad, as does Putin despite his current stepping down from ‘absolute power’. It’s amazing how widespread the power politics of despotism, tyranny and zealotry have remained in the world. You would have been excused for thinking a hundred years ago that by now all such would have gone the way of the Dodo. With global, instantaneous communication flooding the earth it’s a mark of the oppressors’ zeal that so few experience what is commonly termed Human Rights.

    On the other hand, we side with the view the West is also a blight upon Humanity but we sustain the exercise of individual rights of personal agency. We accept this is an agency abused by Mankind. Humanity is such an inelegant vessel for the Angel within. We also accept however, agency as a principal right of each transcends the value of any and we are for war where zealots seek to destroy it.

    And War comes.

    It is inevitable that History will unfold in our day as it always did and we are blessed to see unfold the visions of the Prophets. Not simply because we follow the prophets but because even they saw what must come and said it. Finally we are in a position to enact their worst dreams.

    The basis upon which we must annihilate the enemies of Mankind is so mundane.

    Examples, taken individually, are so trivial.

    Hamas in Gaza stifles the rights of its people, steals their ‘humanitarian supplies’ including oil and gasoline but propagandises the fact they then supply fueled taxis to transport those in need due to Israeli Occupation and the privation that causes.

    The most spiteful child carries out identical, stupid, evil, malicious, mindlessly destructive acts and relies on us to exercise patience with their juvenile lack of compassion. We do, even if we speak sharply and sternly rebuke the child perhaps. If we are wise we attempt to reason with the child and encourage the individual to obtain successes by more positive methods. We have found ‘success breeds success’ and the individual is more likely to behave in a civilised manner in an atmosphere of good self esteem.

    It seems inappropriate to summarily disembowel the child and throw the scraps to the dogs.

    The first time.

    History illustrates though that nothing is lost over time if we recognize the problem at the outset and dispatch the troublemaker. In fact, given the massive suffering and trauma caused by persons, cults and cultures devoted to dominion at all costs, it is as profitable to extinguish them at the outset, at huge human expense, as it becomes to endure them until they are eventually destroyed anyway.

    We are not in favour of forcing Western Democracy on anybody, as such, but we firmly believe in our sacred right to kill all and any who attempt to take away OUR democracy.

    We are not the least impressed when some group or individual claim an affinity with a god as the basis of their right to rob us of OUR rights.

    We maintain the right of all to worship a self-drawn cartoon on a brick wall if that is their wish and we will defend that right to the death. On the other hand, if we are compelled to follow suit – War.

    We know God. Death means nothing to us. Life is wonderful and eternal. Mortal life is beautiful despite there being opposition in all things. We see Jihadists as merely a face of that opposition. The mannerisms of Iran, Korea and their beastly rulers we consider simply “bad habits’ of humanity. Humanity needs to improve its habits.

    It is not kind to suffer fools, nor is it more kind to suffer fools who are cruel and oafish.

    Nor is it ‘intelligent’ to do so.

    Intelligence is eternal. Truth is eternal. Love is eternal. Light is eternal. Matter is eternal. Spirit is eternal and all these things are together eternal and so far as Mortals have perception, all these things represent an affinity and expression of the same thing.

    It is not intelligent to lie. It is not intelligent to hate or to kill. There is no light in despotism or tyranny. There is no love in inflicting suffering. There is no truth beyond God and there is no Truth greater than His Love.

    We side with the aspirations of the jihads when they scream their hysterical, “God is the Greatest!” We believe in saying so, though, in a sacred and humble manner.

    We consider God is capable of killing who He will.

    We accept the responsibility to defend ourselves to the death. We see no intelligence in burdening ourselves with guilt over someone else’s evil, or lies, or lack of intelligence. If they attack us we believe in war. We believe, if we do not war, they win.

    Better, when passing through the veil of death, to die if necessary in defence of our held principles than subject to tyranny, especially that tyranny based on some liar’s religion devoted to a lesser god.

    Recent developments globally demonstrate the now unstoppable slide toward mass death and destruction. The ‘child’ was not dispatched. Now we must accept the global costs of disingenuity and hypocrisy. All those politically correct stances will come stumbling home to roost. Robert Muggabe demands he be allowed to rig the election results because he is the ‘right’ ruler in Zimbabwe. Ahmadinejad insists his people are worthy to die for the sake of inducing the ‘Final Global Order’. Europe appeases the terrorists in their midst, miscegenated and dysfunctional as they are, recklessly hoping History has gone away never to return. North America pads its cell and pretends it has the key to its door but has forgot the way it came IN!

    Nobody in power today has any intention of accepting blame or responsibility for what they are going to do. Each looks carefully at the hands of the other players. Each sits on his hands. Each shakes sabres. Each attempts facelessness as it stares down its neighbour and simultaneously looks away.

    Insanity. Not intelligence. Not truth. Not light and not love.

    Elsewhere we have pointed out, in a large lighted room it is possible to hide a small darkness but in a large dark space a very small light can be seen by all.

    Humanity is blind to what light there is and Mankind prefers darkness. “I am a light unto the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not.”

    So anyway, street riots in one country might equate to open civil war in others but the decline of civilisation will follow the same route. Where a few hundred might battle police openly in the streets in Australia, in China “several cities” were under lock-down due to riots recently, on the pretext of Tibetan oppression by China. The demographics of nations such as India and China beggar the notions of luxurious strangers in the West, who can afford to live far from their neighbours’ eyes. The ‘One Child’ policy in China has left them with a preponderancy of twenty million MEN, of military service age, who will never have the opportunity to marry as there are no girls for them. Twenty million – that’s about the population of Australia by the way, which China needs to lose soon in any available war.

    The salon critics shed crocodile tears over the odd ‘civilian death’ on the fringes of reality but will themselves use every possible weapon at their hands to ward off the slightest inconvenience – when death smashes to flinders their entire cities. The fortunate ones will die instantly. Some will not be so lucky. Some will be forced to flee on the Sabbath Day. Some will be with child.

    If there had been sufficient light in the world, a great leader would have risen among us and dealt a decisive blow against the evil, the lies, the hypocrisy and the United Nations among us who strive to bring all humanity down to their lowest, commonest denominator. It didn’t happen. No George Bush. No Blair. No statesman for mankind came to the fore with the vision to summarily execute wisdom upon the tyrannical enemies of Mankind. If George Dubwa were today to place his signature on a paper authorising the obliteration of Iran, Syria and Korea as an exemplification – the Top Secret page would be published by Time Magazine and GW would be tried for crimes against humanity.

    Instead, five and a half thousand million will die and both GW and Time will be long forgotten by the very few who will survive to see the light.

    You can see why I won. The Angels.



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